Friday, 30 September 2011
Photos of our locations

These are the photos of some of our locations for our music video project.
Sidney Street and surrounding area. The area just outside of Boots is perfect for setting up the scene of a mime artist performing in a street due to the openness of the front and number of people walking past to go to shops.
The streets below are perfect for shots of the mime following the girl in attempts to woo her. The picture of the alleyway with scaffolding has a dim and eerie tone giving the feel of dirty and saddening, a perfect texture for our classic mime.
Garret Hostel Lane. Another grainy, old town feel due to shadows given by high build town houses.
These photographs exemplify the architectural beauty around cambridge. We chose these locations as they have a grainy, old town style feel that correlates to the classic feel we wish to achieve with our mime story. 
Nearby Facilities
Toilets - Lion Yard/Grand Arcade
Car Park - Grand Arcade, Pembrook Street entrance
A&E - Addenbrooks Hospital, Hills Road
Supermarket - M&S, Sidney Street
Folk/Rock Genre
Stylistic Origins
The formation of the genre 'folk rock' has roots in many other genres. The most notable being Folk, Rock, and Popular. Culturally, Folk/Rock was created in mid-1960s England and United States. The very first appearance of Folk/Rock as an identifiable genre was when the Los Angeles band, The Byrds formed.
They encorporated a typical elecric rock style with tradition folk rythms and chord structures.
Vocals, Electric guitar, Acoustic guitar (Jack Johnsons choice instrument), Bass guitar, Drums, Hammond Organ, Piano, Harmonica, Fiddle, Ukulele and all frequently used instruments in the Folk/Rock genre
The formation of the genre 'folk rock' has roots in many other genres. The most notable being Folk, Rock, and Popular. Culturally, Folk/Rock was created in mid-1960s England and United States. The very first appearance of Folk/Rock as an identifiable genre was when the Los Angeles band, The Byrds formed.
Vocals, Electric guitar, Acoustic guitar (Jack Johnsons choice instrument), Bass guitar, Drums, Hammond Organ, Piano, Harmonica, Fiddle, Ukulele and all frequently used instruments in the Folk/Rock genre
- Genre characteristics and specifics.
- Why Jack Johnson is this genre.
- Current bands and artists within this genre.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
lyrics for sitting, waiting, wishing
Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing
You believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
The Lord knows that this world is cruel
I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning lovin' somebody don't make them love you
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
I sang your songs, I danced your dance
I gave your friends all a chance
But putting up with them
Wasn't worth never having you
Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But it's not my scene
Want this plot to twist
I've had enough mystery
Keep building it up
Then shooting me down
But I'm already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting
Well, if I was in your position
I'd put down all my ammunition
I'd wonder why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And if I was, I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waitin' on love aint so easy to do
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
No, I can't I always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
You believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
The Lord knows that this world is cruel
I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning lovin' somebody don't make them love you
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
I sang your songs, I danced your dance
I gave your friends all a chance
But putting up with them
Wasn't worth never having you
Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But it's not my scene
Want this plot to twist
I've had enough mystery
Keep building it up
Then shooting me down
But I'm already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting, waiting
Well, if I was in your position
I'd put down all my ammunition
I'd wonder why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And if I was, I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waitin' on love aint so easy to do
Must I always be waiting, waiting on you
Must I always be playing, playing your fool
No, I can't I always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
Practice Magazine ad
This is my test magazine advert as part of the Keep, Change, Grow project we did as part of the prepartion for the Music Video Project, this is not directly linked to our actual music video.
evaluation of magazine advert to the Keep, Change, Grow project
Evaluation of Magazine advert
Our research before going out on the photo shoot showed us that we needed bright colours, so for our photo shoot we found a wall with black and white graffiti on it, which later when editing our photo we changed the black lines to pink, to fit in with the girly image of our artist. We found it difficult to find the right location as we envisaged in our minds a plain bright back ground, so we settled with this because it would have an “Avril Lavigne” feel to it, which still counts as pop, but with undercurrents of rock. We also used a bright colour for the writing so it would stand out in a magazine and draw peoples attention and also to fit in with the pop conventions of bright playful colourings. The font also mimics the “avril Lavigne” feel because its bright green to fit in with the normal pop conventions, but the outside of it looks like its slightly scribbled, to make it seem more like rock-pop.
Practise magazine advert
This is our test magazine advert as part of the Keep, Change, Grow project we did as part of the prepartion for the Music Video Project, this is not directly linked to our actual music video.
music video evaluation
Last Friday Night – Katy perry
Genre- POP
This music video corresponds to pop genre conventions in many ways. Such as the vibrant costumes and colours. This relates to the party culture as seen on television and commonly recreated by teenagers who are the target audience of the pop genre and of this video.
Nearly all actions in the video relate to the lyrics directly, such as ‘there’s a stranger in my bed’ – there’s a half naked boy in her bed and ‘pictures up’ – as she is browsing though the photographic events of last night.
There are party people dancing in time to the beat of the music. Also, there is a Mexican wave type movement that tracks to Kenny G playing the saxophone to correlate with the saxophone solo in the track.
Examples of voyeuristic shots would be looking over kathy’s shoulder to see the photographs of last night on her laptop, showing her embarrassing moments.
Promo image:
She is wearing a red top and red lipstick, which is often associated with seduction. The shoot only shows her lips and doesn’t show the rest of her face and she is slightly out of focus. This also gives her a seductive look along with a sense of mystery.
Her name is spelled out in a necklace across the image and is in sharp focus, which makes her name stand out and the curvy lettering adds femininity. With a tiger for the dot on the ‘i’ and gives slight glamour and a sense of danger.
This promo image shows her genre as Indie Pop as it is black and red. She also appears unique to other artists.
The image appeals to teenage girls due to gold chain necklace used to write her name as this is quite a fashionable thing to do.
Music video – Blackout
Genre Characteristics – dark colours, weird, close ups of lips,
Relationship of Video to Lyrics – ‘going home’ train going home. ‘Blackout’ theres many black scenes and dark colours and silhouettes, wearing a blindfold = blackout.
Visual and Music – Shots change on beat. End of song train slows, and beginning speeds up with song.
Demands of Record Label – First single.
Voyeurism – Mirrors, seeing lots of her. Gets shown lots of random images.
Intertextuality – there is none,.
Music Video – Desire
Genre Characteristics – Lots of red, Bright lights in dark rooms (chiaroscuro) , Holds a guitar. Scary animals
Relations of video to lyrics – desire and the colour red. Fire and candles and dilation of the pupils
Visual and music: shot changes and cuts in time with the beat,
Voyeurism: Anna looks directly into the camera, watching her play guitar from behind.
Intertextuality – there IS NONE!
Anna Calvi has released one album on June 20th 2011.
Record label: domino records.
Anna Calvi is an English musician and was a nominee for BBC’s Sound of 2011 poll.
Her self titled album reached number 40 in the charts on the 23rd of January 2011.
Practise pop genre mood bardred and evaluation
POP Genre.
We chose the genre pop. We chose this because it has obvious genre specific connotations. Pop is characterised by bright colours, clothes and make up. The women in this genre tend to be scantily clad in bikinis, hot pants and high heels, generally in bright colours such as neon pink, green, blue and orange. Use of primary colours is also prominent to create eye catching and youth orientated imagery which attracts the target audience of adolescences and young adults. Women also tend to have either brightly coloured or very big and bold hair styles and are always perfectly made up with false eye lashes, foundation, fake tan and lip stick. The pop genre is very sexually voyeuristic and uses objectification of women to attract audience. An example of this is current pop artist nicki gminaj, who usually focuses videos and song around sexual attraction between men and women. This is embodied by her video ‘Super Bass’ where she and accompanying dancers are wearing brightly coloured bras and other sexually revealing costumes. We were planning to do close up or sexy poses to characterize this genre and to advertise our artist. We are planning on shooting up against a wall covered in graffiti. We feel this will portray the artist as cool and current.
Promo Image
This is a promotional image of Metronomy and the Pretty Boys.
Each outfit shows that they each have a different character for example the guy on the left is very bold in the way he dresses showing that he is confident in the way he looks. However he is hiding his face with his jumper and with the aid of the guy in the middle showing that maybe he is less confident. The guy in the middle looks confident and is dressed in an alternative style he is also hiding the faces of the people on either side of him showing that he wants to be the centre of attention and is also the front man of the band.
they all look very indie as they are all dressed very differently this shows that they are trying to conform to a specific stereotype. This shows that they would appeal to a teenage indie audience as their appearance goes well with this type of music.
they all look very indie as they are all dressed very differently this shows that they are trying to conform to a specific stereotype. This shows that they would appeal to a teenage indie audience as their appearance goes well with this type of music.
Justification of magazine advert
We decided to do a solo artist as our magazine advert, and our chosen genre is pop. We looked at artists such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Jason Derulo, Jessie J, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, all BIG pop icons, but all share the same thing in common when it comes to album covers/posters/advertisement etc. They all use close ups of the artists faces or try to do shoulders up shots, they use heavy makeup, emphasizing lips and eyes for example Jessie J is known for having diamantes on her lips but this has also been done by Rihanna, Pixie Lott, and other famous pop artists, so we have taken this idea and are going to include this in our magazine advert. Most of the albumn covers or other advertisements we have looked at have not had much background most of the colour has been on the face, or used with makeup or jewellery, and majority of the time the costume/outfit is not shown, so our main focus in our magazine advert will be makeup. For our location we will use the photography studios so we can have a clean white background and use appropriate lighting when needed, and we will use things like bright coloured necklaces, bracelets, earring and rings, as well as eye shadow lipstick and hair to make the statement of POP. We also looked at fonts that have been used on the posters and albumn covers and most of them are bold, and stood out from the rest of the image, they have backgrounds or light around them to emphasise who the artist is and their name. Sometimes they include the name of the song underneath but in a slightly smaller font, so looking at these it will be the same in our magazine advert. The overall colour scheme of our magazine advert will be bright complimentary colours, as well as contrasting colours, like pinks, oranges, yellows, greens, and blues. When taking our photos we will think about the composition, like having the artist in the middle of the shot, looking at the camera, or looking away, using their hands on their face to see jewellery and nails etc.
Friday, 23 September 2011
There were two other groups with the same song as we picked but we felt ours was more original and unique. All three had similar story lines with a boy trying to get the attention of a special girl and then at the end the boy meets someone who he can relate to in some way and they get together and are really happy!
We could add an additional aspect of focusing on the hands of mimes as this is an important feature for mimes. Adding animation was also discussed as it would add another level to the video as well as the digipak.
If we had to choose a different song we would still use the mime idea as we feel it would also fit with the song 'Everybody Knows'. We would relate the video to the lyrics by using the mime to act things out.
We could add an additional aspect of focusing on the hands of mimes as this is an important feature for mimes. Adding animation was also discussed as it would add another level to the video as well as the digipak.
If we had to choose a different song we would still use the mime idea as we feel it would also fit with the song 'Everybody Knows'. We would relate the video to the lyrics by using the mime to act things out.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Idea

Sad Mime Idea
One morning, Rachel had an epiphany. She was thinking about the song 'Sitting, Waiting, Wishing' by Jack Johnson and thought a good idea for an accompanying video would be a sad, ignored, mime that is pursuing his one true love <3. He tries to impress her with many of his miming talents such as pulling a bouquet out from his sleeve, riding a unicycle, turning fire into a rose, juggling and general miming in locations around Cambridge eg miming punting over the bridge that crosses the river, jumping out around corners.
We also would like to film in the cafe where Livvy works using it for showing him gazing out the window with his hands on the glass trying to get her attention and spying on her as she eats by peering over the top of the counter.
We are also going to have a person singing to the lyrics in the background who is the artist and is an onlooker watching the mime trying to get his one true love to listen. The artist then sits at a table with the mime trying to cheer him up and then he introduces him to a mime girl and the mime guy produces his bouquet for her and then they walk off together happy.
The digipack
The digipack will be black and white to represent the mime colours. We will also use a picture of the mime on the front with tears on his face. The digipack will be very plain and dark to represent the sad mood of the song. The image on the back will have similar colours showing the back of two mimes holding hands.
The magazine advert
The magazine advert will have the same image as the front of the digipack and will show the release date and reviews of the song.
Target audience
The target audience of our promotional package will be young adults or teenagers the video and style of music will appeal to this audience as many of them will be able to identify with the themes of waiting for love, and also the video and images will have an amusing element.
Initial Ideas
- Second Choice Song (Everybody Knows - Rufus Wainwright)
- Third Choice (Angels - Spice girls)
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